Rabu, 16 November 2011


Louder (x4)

I'm staring out of my window

And the rain is pouring down
When you left, I was so low
But I'm not gonna drown

I don't need no shoulder

I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain

I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart beat louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

I, I am over, over thinking of how to get you back

I'm checking out for the weekend
And I ain't goin' back

I don't need no shoulder

I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain

I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart beat louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

Oh, letting go

Yeah, it feel so good, so right
Oh, all I know
Is that I let my heart beat
Heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder

I'm just gonna run right through the rain

I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart beat louder than my head [head, head, head]
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

Kamis, 03 November 2011


    1. one thing you should know, no matter where i go, we'll always be together forever and ever-christopher Robin.
(1 hal yang perlu kamu tau, kemanapun aku pergi, kita akan selalu bersama selama-lamanya)

    2.Our friendship is the best present i ever got.
(Persahabatan kita adalag hadiah terbaik yang pernah aku dapatkan)

    3. Remember those good times? i want them back.
(ingat beberapa waktu yang baik? aku ingin semuanya kembali)

    4. Sometimes the memories are worth the pain.
(kadang memori bernilai menyakitkan)

    5. I may forget what you said, but i'll never forget how you made me feel.
(mungkin aku lupa dengan apa yang sudah km katakan, tetapi aku ngga akan pernah lupa bagaimana cara km memberikan rasa itu)

    6. As soon as i start remembering you, i remind my self about how you've already forgotten me. 
(semakin aku mulai mengingat mu, aku ingatkan pada diriku bahwa km sudah melupakan aku)

    7. Sometimes, my lips say 'i don't care', but my eyes say 'i do care'.
(kadang mulutku berbicara 'aku ngga peduli', tetapi mataku bilang 'aku masih peduli')

    8. And it feels like you don't care anymore. 
(dan itu terasa seperti km udah ngga peduli sama aku)

    9. Listening to music is the best therapy for everything.
(mendengarkan musik adalah terapi terbaik untuk semuanya)

   10. Things changed. Times changed. I changed. YOU changed. 
(sesutau berubah, waktu berubah, aku berubah, Kamu juga berubah)

   11. I will always fall in love with you and that is the only thing that will never change.
(aku akan selalu jatuh cinta padamu dan hal itu ngga akan pernah berubah)

   12. A best friend should love you like a mother, protect you like a father, talk to you like a sister, and fight with you like a brother.
(seorang sahabat harus mecintai seperti ibu, melindungi km seperti ayah, bicara padamu seperti kakak, dan bertengkar denganmu seperti adik)


Rabu, 02 November 2011


JavaLife's group :
1. Delia 
2. Mitzy
3. Laras (me)
4. David
5. Fano
6. Handoko
7. Evan
8. Vio

Kangen banget sama sekalian. jadi keinget pas dulu kita kelas 8, ngerjain guru lah yang nyanyi pas di ekonomi smpk kita dimarahin, gila2an bareng, nyelesein masalah bareng2, renang bareng, nyanyi bareng :(, makan2 bareng, guyonan bareng. Kangen sama semuanya. coba kita kelas 9 sekelas ya :( :) 

kita selalu ada untuk satu sama lain, kita saling nge-support, ngelewatin masa suka dan duka bareng2 . kalian segalanya deh buat aku. 
kalian juga udah baik sama aku, pengertian, negur aku kalau aku ada salah :) 
Thank's For Everything. 

Jangan Lupain JavaLife guys ;) 
we'll always together.

Ntar SMAnya bareng2 lagi yaa. sekelas deh, AMIN :*

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Cody Simpson Not just you

I know your heart's seen better times
I know our songs had better rhymes
Before today

I guess I made the wrong mistakes
I understand if you need your space
Please take your time

Before you go away
So far away
You need to realize

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm sorry
I wasn't there to catch the fall
I didn't hear you when you called
All of those nights
Please don't forget the good days with me
I can make back the heart aching grief
When it gets dark and it's hard to see
I'll turn on the lights

Before you go away
So far away
I really need you to know

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry

Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm not giving up
You don't have to leave
I am willing to beg till i break my knees
I believe in us
Don't give up on me
Girl, I know that you're hurting
And I'm sorry for the pain
I promise that I'll change
Forgive me
Forgive me

Baby, its not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on you're sleeve
Notice that mine arn't exactly dry
(Not exactly dry baby)

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
We had it all
How could we fall
Baby, I thought we would never die
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you

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